
We Help Recruit Support Willowbrook Hospice And Raise £3400

Three Singalong Bingo’s later and a massive £3,400 raised for Willowbrook Hospice.

Huge “thank you” to everyone who has supported and attended these events in 2024.

It was super important to myself and Dan when we set up We Help Recruit that we could give a little back and do some good for the local community.

There are tons of ways a small business can support a local charity like Willowbrook Hospice – cake bakes, dress down days, Xmas jumper days, secret Santa, the list goes on.

Doing something, however small, is better than not doing anything at all.

As a small business (only 3 of us) we focused on having a bit of fun, we love playing Rock and Roll Bingo so it was an easy choice for us to host these events.

Thanks everyone for supporting, we look forward to doing it all again next year.

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